$122.2M 2023 savings
$71.6M 2023 savings
$14.7M 2023 savings
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Termination Builder
Employee Performance Analysis
Employees targeted for termination have been automatically selected based on individual performance from all OCG Worldwide departments.
Employee performance is calculated based on every word spoken or written via Microsoft Teams Chat, Email, Microft Teams Meeting transcripts, and every Office document created or edited by each employee, combined into a single "Valuable Words Per Day" (VWPD) statistic.
Data is sampled over the lifetime of employment, but the prior 120 days are given additional weight. Qualitative analysis is done via AI comparison with all communication for similar-sized companies in similar industries during the same period. Organizations may not opt-out of having their communications and documents used to train the TerminateGPT model.
*Savings includes reduction in Microsoft licenses, effective first of next month. Congratulations!
Exit Target Options
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Termination Complete
- "External Conditions, Difficult Decision" email sent to Termed.
- "External Conditions, Difficult Decision, Well-Positioned for the Future" email sent to Keepers.
- "Well-Positioned for the Future" press release sent.
- One Drive, SharePoint, Office access temporarily disabled for all Termed and Keepers.
- Use of GIFs disabled in Teams.
- Bowls of Thank You chocolates placed by exits.
- Security Mobilized.